
We are a dedicated group of volunteers who spend a great deal of our own money rescuing dogs from difficult situations. Vet care, food, and boarding costs add up.

There are several ways you can assist including just purchasing every items as you do now! See below for different ways you can contribute.

The more monetary support we get from others, the more dogs we can save working together. We appreciate anything you can do to help us!


Whether you choose to give a one-time gift or to support our efforts with a monthly contribution, the dogs are furever grateful. Here are some suggested donation amounts to help one dog:

  • Microchip = $15
  • Food = $25 / month
  • Enrichment = $50 / month
  • Spay / Neuter = $100
  • Boarding = $150 / month

In Loving Memory Of Carolyn Reagan

Carolyn Reagan has been a huge supporter of the dogs of McNary. She spent countless hours buying and preparing food for dogs, ensuring they were fed and were able to get medical help. This was her life’s mission. She was the force that helped find homes for hundreds of dogs. She never stopped advocating for them and would drop everything at a moments notice to take in a pup or family of dogs, and then get them to rescues.

Carolyn helped so many dogs move from homeless to Help a Dog Smile so that they could find forever homes. Our hearts broken for the loss of this amazing woman. If you would like to make a donation in honor of her selfless life saving work, please click the “donate” button below.

Shop at Max & Neo

Shop for your dogs needs at Max & Neo and Help A Dog Smile receives a portion of the total amount you spend while you receive 10% off of your total order!

Max & Neo provides all types of items your dog needs from collars and leashes to toys, treats, supplements and more. You can even get some pretty awesome clothes for yourself.

Simply click our Help A Dog Smile custom link and start shopping!